If I Were An Inch Tall!

If you were only one inch tall
i would be good at hide and go seek
i could run really fast
i could spy on my big sister
i could jump really high
i could swim in a mud puddle or even the sink
i could sleep on a cotton ball
If you were one inch tall

All About Kara!!(:

“Hey, I’m Kara. I love sports mostly softball, volleyball and basketball. I love to go to church with my family and get closer to my God. My family means a lot to me along with my religion. This spring break I plan to spend time with my family, friends and relax in my pj’s. well that is all about me. “bye”.

Lucky Number Three!!!!

Lucky Number Three!

The lucky number 3! is special to me because I pick it for everything

It doesn’t matter when, it doesn’t matter where I’m going to pick it anywhere my dad makes fun of me “why not 18 or 23 “

GOOD GOLLY GEESE it’s just important to me lucky number 3! is so important to me I’ve decided to pick it for everything

The more 3’s! the better I need all the luck I can get

I just need to get off this crazy ride I’ll just pick number 9!!

Couldnt Live Without it

What would you do if you couldn’t hear? You could never just have a strait up conversation with someone, and when your getting woke up for school your parents would have to wake you up cause you wouldn’t hear the alarm clock Even playing sports you couldn’t hear people cheering you on. Hearing makes my life better by listening to my family, and my friends. I love to talk, and why talk if I couldn’t hear it’s just not worth it I should just save my breath! If I couldn’t hear I would have to learn a whole new language sign language of course. and the worst thing to think about is what if you went to a school with no one that speaks sigh language its sad to think that some people have to live like that for the rest of there life that’s why I cant live without it.♥♥♥♥♥♥

Keep it Closed!!!!

You know how it feels when people tell you what to do, I do. They can tell you to go away or they tell you to be quiet yep, I know it stinks; the other thing that really makes me mad is when people talk behind your back I think that is really mean because if they can’t say it to your face they shouldn’t say it at all. And all my life my parents have told me if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all and sometimes its hard and I know it is but life isn’t easy or no one would make mistakes only Jesus doesn’t make mistakes, what I want to do to help this is when I see this going on I will try my best to stop it. Some of the time you talking to your friend and you say yea I’m going to do some volunteering and maybe some one who doesn’t do that kind of stuff could say you don’t need to do that stuff only weird people do that, and that’s not true because I go and do charity every year on a day called volunteer day are family goes out and helps are community and next year I’m going to see if I can bring some people from school with me. And I just want this world to rely that we are all one, big family.

Fast Christmas

Me and my brother woke up at about 5:30 on Christmas morning ;my mom was in the kitchen and my dad was getting dressed .They said what are ya’ll waiting for so we all ran in there as fast as we could .YES I shrieked I got an electric scooter I was so happy ;I also got an X box 360 kinect I was in love with everything I got ; So as soon as we were done I had to go to my papa’s house for Christmas I got a sticker to put on the side of my scooter . I wanted to go ride my scooter right then it was blue and different colors so I switched it on and it didn’t work. I kind of felt sad inside but I didn’t say anything but I . Went and told my dad and he was looking at it, and he took the seat off of it and found some kind of plug that was not hooked up he had some kind of fancy guy word for it but I don’t know it. but he did fix it hallelujah that was the best Christmas ever.

My Dream Came True

As most people know I love♥ softball and my favorite position is first base. and third on the line up  I am  a pitcher also but I haven’t been taking lessons long so I am not that good  but ill get there we have are first tournament Saturday I hope we win☺ that would be awesome!!!! Are two pitchers are Kaylynn and Maci are first base people might be me Ryan and Kaylee are catcher is Hannah. Are shortstop is Alexis. And we have like the best hitters ever Spencer are third baseman is an awesome hitter!! Not to brag that other team better watch out cause the ladynecks are on there way. I’m sure all of white oak will be able to hear us hit. We are ready than ever to win this game actually two games one at nine thirty and one at eleven thirty . come watch us.~♥☺♥